JANUARYDigital Humanities and literary studies
Digital Humanities and Literary StudiesR.KAVINKUMARM.Phil, ScholarAbstractNowadays, you are likely to use on or both of two types of visual aid equipment: the data projector, operated from a computer (often a laptop) through the projector itself onto a screen, and the more old-fashioned over-head prBlog
MAY"Unlocking the Power of Repair: Why the Right to Repair Movement Matters"
ABOUT THE LAW The Right to Repair movement aims to give customers and independent repair businesses the legal freedom to fix their own electronic equipment, including laptops, cellphones, and other gadgets, without being compelled to utilize the manufacturer's approved repair services. The mBlog
DECEMBERIs the guru the most important? Or is the guru merely a teacher who is imparting you knowledge?
This kind of defines the word ‘Upa-ni-shad’. Bringing all the three syllables—‘Upa’, ‘ni’ and ‘shad’—together means the teacher and the student, or the speaker and the listener sit together with the intention of moving closer to the supreme truth. This is accomplished with compleBlog